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Holiday Greetings, Earthlings

Levity Entertainment Group holiday greeting card

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Well, it’s October but, if online advertisements, malls, and your local Starbucks are any indicator, the holidays are right around the corner. What we’re saying is, it’s time to start thinking about your holiday cards!

Warm Tidings

Holiday cards are a personalized way to let your family and friends know that you’re thinking of them, and that they’re important to you. The same can be said for sending them to clients or coworkers. It’s a great way to send a warm message, as well as remind your clients, “Hey! We’re still here, we’re thinking of you, and your business matters to us.” And if the traditional greeting card isn’t your cup of eggnog, it’s all good, because our designs vary in uniqueness from the folded card, to the double sided post card. Fun fact, post card stamps are less expensive than regular stamps. You’re welcome.

Ditch Holiday Stress

Not only can we help you design a greeting card that’s tailored to your personality and needs, we can execute the print production process as well. We work with local and online vendors to have your cards printed and produced, then mailed directly to their destination addresses. This also includes invites for themed parties, and fliers for venues looking to host special holiday events. Whatever way you choose to celebrate, we’ve got you covered so you’ll never…fold under the pressure.

In The Nick of Time

We recommend that you plan one month of time, from start to finished product, to design and deliver your cards. That way, you’re way ahead of the game and can cross one more thing off that to-do list. Call or email us today to get a head start on your holiday needs!


POP THE PIXEL loves creating festive greeting cards for any occasion, and we’ve certainly made plenty. Just stalk our Instagram and you’re sure to find some sprinkled in there. Then, call 323-848-4465 or email us, and let us help make your holiday experience merry and bright!

About the Author of This Post

Nazanin Nour is an actor and writer based out of Los Angeles who likes to make people laugh. You can follow her multiple personalities on Twitter @NazaninNour, Instagram @frecklednaz, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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