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Responsive Website Design

WordPress website mockup of

Responsive web design (RWD) is, according to the internet, “an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices.” A website that utilizes RWD will adapt its layout to the format in which it’s being viewed. It uses three things to do this: media queries, fluid grids, and flexible visuals.

How It Works

The first defining feature of said practice is a media query. Ethan Marcotte, a graphic designer, said “a media query allows us to target not only certain device classes, but to actually inspect the physical characteristics of the device rendering our work.” Media queries allow web developers to adjust web designs based on the parameters set forth by a user’s device. This creates a customized user experience.

The second defining feature is a fluid grid. When a fluid grid is created, columns will readjust to fit the size of the screen they’re being viewed on. Think of how many times you’ve visited a website that didn’t adjust to your screen. Was it frustrating to navigate and find what you were looking for? Did you leave the website? Most people would just give up and check out another brand. Don’t let that happen to you!

The third defining feature is flexible visuals. This concept goes hand in hand with the fluid grid in that it allows the visuals and graphics of your website to also adjust. Speaking of, check out this link to see some great examples of websites that use responsive design. Or, check out our work on Instagram if you want to see what website shenanigans we’ve been up to!

On The Go

A statistic from 2018 revealed that roughly 52% of global internet traffic originated from mobile devices. That’s more than half of the internet’s use! We know you understand statistics, we just want to drive home the importance of ensuring that your website is created in a way in which it is accessible and functional across multiple devices. You know, on the go! This has become increasingly important in today’s digital world.


What we can take away is the knowledge that responsive web design is an essential part of a successful, well-functioning brand’s website. Now that’s something we know a thing or two about.

POP THE PIXEL is not only top rated for website design in Los Angeles, we are also top rated for any and all of your design needs. Call 323-848-4465 or email us today for your free consultation. Let’s make sure your site is on track to remain at the top of the list of successful brands in today’s ever competitive marketplace.

About the Author of This Post

Nazanin Nour is an actor and writer based out of Los Angeles who likes to make people laugh. You can follow her multiple personalities on Twitter @NazaninNour, Instagram @frecklednaz, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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