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Logos That Just Won’t Quit

Urban Medicine Woman logo design

Let’s face it, logos are the face of your company. They’re the first image of your brand, and signal what you have to offer. A well designed and thoughtful logo can instantly become unforgettable, and synonymous with your brand. It can carry your product, or services that you offer, through various trends, without losing popularity. It’s one of the keys to carving out a place for yourself in an ever competitive marketplace, and why we’re taking a closer look at some top logo design trends for 2019.

Keep It Simple

These days, brands are looking to make things as easy as possible for consumers. They want to pare down. Companies want you to glance at their design, logo and otherwise, and quickly ascertain what it is they’re selling. In the words of Joe Flory, the design director for FINE company, there is “an overarching trend to eschew extraneous ornamentation in favor of a simpler and uncompromising visual aesthetic.” Basically, keeping it simple.

Be Responsive

We’ve talked about responsive web design and, well, responsive logo design is also a thing. An important thing. More and more we’re seeing companies ensure that their logos are translating properly on all types of devices. Considering the 24 hour information cycle that is present day society, your brand can’t afford for its face to not look its best at all times. A responsive logo will adapt immediately to its surroundings, so to speak, and create a seamless visual representation of what you offer.

Get It Customized

Custom fonts are a growing trend that we’re likely to see more of in 2019. They’re becoming a popular way of differentiating yourself from the pack. For example, if all beverage companies use one or two specific fonts, creating a custom font of your own will allow you stand out. It will convey uniqueness, as well as confidence in your brand to do something different. Just keep in mind when making any changes to your current logo that trends are meant to come and go, but your company’s visuals should be made to stand the test of time. So, don’t get too wild and wacky for the sake of being different. Be thoughtful, calculating, and precise to achieve the custom look you’re going for.


POP THE PIXEL has created a number of unique custom logos, as well given facelifts to existing ones, and can likely help guide your brand to the next level (whatever level that may be). We aren’t just experts in website design in Los Angeles, we actually wear many hats. Check us out on Instagram if you want to see just how many we wear! Call 323-848-4465 or email us today to chat about your project!

About the Author of This Post

Nazanin Nour is an actor and writer based out of Los Angeles who likes to make people laugh. You can follow her multiple personalities on Twitter @NazaninNour, Instagram @frecklednaz, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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