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Need a logo design, website design or something else?


Logo Design Experiment

2 Bridge Communications logo design

Logo design, graphic design, and website design trends have been in flux for the last few years. An abundance of social media platforms makes this all the more obvious. Designers continue to buck tradition by experimenting with the old, and mixing it with the new. 2019 brings not just a new year, but also a new outlook on logo design. Here are a few exciting trends to look out for, and possibly incorporate, when considering a change to your logo. Perhaps a little logo design experiment?

Color Me Bad

Utilizing color in a purposeful manner is a big trend for 2019. Telling a story through color is a creative way for designers and brands to forge a bond with their consumers. Now, incorporating a slew of colors just for the sake of being colorful is not the right approach. You don’t need a degree in graphic design to understand how blue and green stimulate serenity and calm. On the other end of the spectrum, red and orange evoke passion and confidence.

Authenticity matters to people. A consumer will appreciate your genuine approach to catching their attention, and be able to discern real versus manufactured intentions. Have a clear motivation for your use of color to convey your brand’s identity in the most meaningful way possible.

The Variables

Your logo design will be viewed on various platforms, as well as by different target audiences. A variable logo design is visually flexible, and adapts to the group you’re targeting. For example, your company can create one logo, but use different colors to catch the eyes of a specific group. Keep in mind who you hope to reach, and adjust your logo design variables accordingly. This trend does away with a one size fits all approach to marketability. Check out these visual examples of variable logo designs at their finest.

Negative Space

This is a clever trend and an intelligent approach to space, or lack thereof. The use of negative space shows a keen understanding of design, and attention to detail. It’s akin to finding the Easter eggs hidden in a movie. When you get it, you get it. Get it? Perhaps the most well done, and arguably the most well known, example is the FedEx logo. The designers of this iconic logo “hid” an arrow in between the ‘e’ and the ‘x.’ According to them, this was “intended to be a subliminal symbol for speed and precision.”

Designers who continue to follow this trend into 2019 will do so in surprising, distinctive ways. Need a starting point? Focus on the details of an object that you’d like to incorporate into your logo, and go from there.


Creating or updating your company’s logo is an important branding tool for your product and/or service. We know how crucial it is for logo design to speak truth to your brand, and keep your audience interested. POP THE PIXEL works closely with you to create a unique design that represents your brand to the fullest. Call or email us today for your free consultation, and let us create an exciting, one of a kind logo design!

Oh, and don’t forget to check us out on Instagram to see the different styles of logo design, website design, and other creative projects that we’re cooking up!

About the Author of This Post

Nazanin Nour is an actor and writer based out of Los Angeles who likes to make people laugh. You can follow her multiple personalities on Twitter @NazaninNour, Instagram @frecklednaz, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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