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Need a logo design, website design or something else?


3 Reasons To Invest In A Graphic Designer

Eyed LA Optometry logo design

What is any business owner’s number one goal? If you said “to sell a product or service to as many consumers as possible,” you are correct! Do you know what tool is crucial to making that happen? If you said “stellar graphic design,” you’d win this guessing game. Let us explain why.

You Better Recognize

Your brand’s logo, and all of the designs associated with it, create instant recognizability. For example, if a consumer looks at your logo and can’t figure out what you’re selling, you’re in trouble. But when you pair carefully crafted designs with a strong brand message, you’re virtually unstoppable. Once you’ve created a design to be synonymous with your brand messaging, you’re golden. On the flip side, a poorly made design will reflect negatively on your brand. Don’t cut corners when it comes to your graphic design team, it could mean the difference between your brand’s success or failure.

We Are Family

Whether your company’s logo is plastered onto shirts, or splashed across the pages of a magazine, it all equals unity. Employees enjoy a sense of camaraderie and purpose within a company. A great way to fulfill that desire is by utilizing a sleek logo design within all facets of the business. When your employees feel a sense of family, they increase productivity, and push your brand to higher success.

Communication Is Key

Your brand’s logo design speaks volumes without uttering a word. Studies show that the attention span of consumers is on a steady decline, and will continue along that path. There’s no better way to direct their attention to your brand than with unique graphic design. It’s worth noting that the use of visuals in marketing can increase the memory and recollection of your brand’s message. There’s that synonymity again!


In today’s world of online businesses, social media, and fiercely competitive marketplaces, you need to invest in your brand’s success. One of the best ways to achieve that success is by starting with an expert graphic design team. POP THE PIXEL has just that team. With years of experience creating standout designs for various brands, we’re confident that we can help take your company to the next level. Call or email us today for your free consultation, and let’s get started.

Oh, and don’t forget to check us out on Instagram to see the different styles of logo design, website design, and other creative projects that we’re cooking up!

About the Author of This Post

Nazanin Nour is an actor and writer based out of Los Angeles who likes to make people laugh. You can follow her multiple personalities on Twitter @NazaninNour, Instagram @frecklednaz, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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