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How To Show Off Your New Logo

Black hoodie with POP THE PIXEL logo

So, you’ve just had a logo designed, sealed & delivered. Now what? If it’s made by POP THE PIXEL, we know you’re obsessed with it and want to plaster it everywhere that’s humanly possible. Here are a few tips on where to place your logo to gain maximum exposure.

You’ve Got A Pretty Mug

Java. Joe. Crack. I mean, who doesn’t get their fix of America’s drug of choice every morning? Why not make your brand synonymous with morning joy by putting it on a mug? Give them to clients, or take them to a friend’s dinner party as gifts. The more hands you get wrapped around your name, the higher the chance of piquing interest in your product and/or service. Plus, people love getting presents. Trust me.

A Package Deal

How are you sending you product home with customers? If it’s in a bag, get that logo on your bag immediately! Think of all the people that’ll see your business name trotting down the street. How many times have you been in line somewhere, and you find yourself checking out what people are holding? A fashionable, eye catching bag with your brand’s logo will not go unnoticed. People don’t like having FOMO so, at the very least, they’ll check out what you have to offer.

Top Of The Mornin’ To Ya

Hats will never go out of style. The classic baseball cap endures, and the fedoras and other fads will come and go. What remains etched in people’s memories, though, is what’s stitched across the top. Placing a logo on a hat is akin to a free, moving billboard. Think of all the places people wear hats. Those are all the places people will see advertising for your brand. Keep the hat color a solid black or white, as this will ensure that your logo really pops with contrast. And, again, another great gift idea!

Get Branded

POP THE PIXEL has extensive experience with creating one of a kind logos that set brands apart from the competition. To get started on the branding train, give us a ring at 323-848-4465, or send us an email for a free consultation. Not convinced just quite yet? Check us out on Instagram!

About the Author of This Post

Nazanin Nour is an actor and writer based out of Los Angeles who likes to make people laugh. You can follow her multiple personalities on Twitter @NazaninNour, Instagram @frecklednaz, and subscribe to her YouTube channel.


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