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GMCLA Season 35 / Voice Awards

Objective: Provide creative direction to design key art and develop GMCLA's Season 35 Subscriber Brochure and Voice Awards marketing collateral.

Voice Awards promotional cards
Voice Awards full color logo
Voice Awards logo design icon
Voice Awards logo design in black and white
Save The Date mockup of the 2014 Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles Voice Awards
Poster mockup of the 2014 Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles Voice Awards
Mockup of sponsorship brochure for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
Mockup of sponsorship brochure for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
Mockup of sponsorship brochure for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
Mockup of sponsorship brochure for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
Mockup of sponsorship brochure page for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
Mockup of sponsorship brochure page for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
Mockup of sponsorship brochure for Gay Men's Chorus Los Angeles
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