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the View.
Mockup of two posters for APLA Health Services

APLA Health Prevention Services

Objective: Provide creative direction to design key art and develop APLA Health’s Preventions Services marketing collateral.

Voice Awards promotional cards

GMCLA Season 35 / Voice Awards

Objective: Provide creative direction to design key art and develop GMCLA’s Season 35 Subscriber Brochure and Voice Awards marketing collateral.

Trevor Live poster mockup for The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project / Trevor Live Fundraiser

Objective: Provide creative direction to design key art and develop The Trevor Project’s multi-channel Trevor Live campaign.

Mockup of a transit advertisement for #ItFeelsGood Gilead campaign

Gilead PrEP #ItFeelsGood Campaign

Objective: Provide creative direction to design and develop APLA Health’s multi-channel Gilead PrEP #ItFeelsGood campaign.

Mockup of poster design for VERVE Talent & Literary Agency

VERVE Invitation and Event Key Art

Objective: Provide creative direction to design and develop Verve’s invitation-only event key art as well as oversee the production of other promotional materials.

Mockup of annual report design for APLA Health

APLA Health Annual Report and Marketing Collateral

Objective: Provide creative direction to design and develop APLA Health’s Annual Report as well as oversee the production of other marketing assets.

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